Postpartum bleeding: what can you expect?
Postpartum bleeding: What can you expect?

Postpartum bleeding: what can you expect?
If you’ve eyed a maxi-sized maternity pad while pregnant, you’ve probably felt some indignation, fear or confusion – asking yourself: “Surely, I won’t need that?!” But you can expect a significant amount of discharge or blood after birth, a lot more than your typical period. Called lochia, it’s a mix of blood, mucus and uterine lining. In the first days after birth, lochia is fresh red and can contain one or two bigger cloths. But it will lessen over time.
Bleeding after a C-section
You might not expect (a lot of) blood loss after your C-section. But it’s no different from a vaginal birth. It helps to be prepared, emotionally and practically. Even after a C-section, regular period pads won’t be absorbent enough for your flow, so stash some cotton maternity pads in your home and hospital bag.
Bleeding after a vaginal birth
Now, you probably know what to expect blood-wise. But after a vaginal birth, your intimate skin can be extra sensitive – especially if you’re recovering from perineal tearing and have stitches. In that case, minimise skin irritation and risk of infection with cotton maternity pads or cotton period pads that fit your flow.
How long will postpartum blood loss last?
Although it differs from person to person, lochia lasts about six weeks. Luckily, you won’t need a maternity pad for all of them. In the first days, your blood loss will be so significant you’ll likely soak through a maternity pad in a few hours. After those first days, your flow will lessen and become brown or pinkish. This stage can last for about a month. Four to six weeks after birth, you’ll likely only have a light flow or occasional spotting. Throughout the day, your flow can also be heavier in the morning, after lying down, while you’re breastfeeding or during exercise.
What can I do about it?
Lochia is a natural part of your postpartum recovery process, but self-care and 100% cotton pads help you manage blood loss and prevent side effects like skin irritation, infection or leaks. Disposable (mesh) underpants comfortably fit your maternity pads. You can get these at the hospital, in your postpartum box, or buy them yourself. At a later stage, it can be nice to pair your period pads with full-coverage, cotton underpants. Where possible, give your body some rest. Your healthcare provider will likely recommend you to avoid baths, tampons and sex for some time.
To prevent infection and keep you comfortable, wear cotton pads that match your flow. In the first days, cotton maternity pads will be your best bet. We know they aren’t that sexy, but if you soak through a period pad within a few hours, they offer the protection and care you need. Postpartum bleeding can be unpredictable. Keep a stock of cotton maternity pads or heavy period pads as you move to lower-absorbency products, as a back-up.
The first days: Cotton maternity pads
Opt for cotton maternity pads in the days after giving birth. Ours naturally absorb significant postpartum blood loss. They have a cushioned feel and form-fitting pleats, for a comfortable and secure fit. Crucially, cotton is hypoallergenic and super soft. It prevents brooding and soothes your intimate skin. This is especially important when your intimate area is still healing and prone to infections. Change your maternity pads every three hours, also at night (when feeding your baby). This way, you can keep an eye on your flow.
The following weeks: Cotton period pads
As your flow lessens, opt for cotton pads with a high absorbency, like our cotton pads night or super. They provide the same softness and breathability (and are also hypoallergenic) as our maternity pads, but are a lot thinner – meaning they fit more discreetly in your underwear and are easier to move in. If, after several weeks to months, you only experience spotting, you might want to opt for extra-long cotton panty liners, which are even thinner and smaller.
For bladder leaks: Cotton incontinence pads
Bladder leaks are also quite common after giving birth. In this case, our cotton incontinence pads are the way to go. They’re equally soft, but more absorbent than our period pads and specifically designed to draw pee (which is quite acidic) away from your intimate skin. If you experience both bladder leaks and postpartum blood loss, start with our cotton maternity pads and then switch to our cotton incontinence pads. Speak with your healthcare practitioner or a pelvic floor physiotherapist. It’s important to take your pelvic floor exercise and perennial training seriously for prevention and recovery.
Why opt for cotton maternity pads?
If you’re giving birth in the Netherlands, you’ll already get maternity pads via the postpartum box of your health insurance. These pads are often made from synthetic ingredients (or, sometimes, a natural and synthetic combination). And while they do the job at absorbing your postpartum flow, cotton maternity pads have a lot of benefits for your intimate skin and healing process.
Here, ours are the first (and, so far, only) maternity pads with a 100% cotton topsheet and core. This gives them a unique softness, naturalness and breathability. They help soothe irritated vulval skin and prevent a brooding feeling. Crucially, in a time that’s far-from, many young mothers find cotton maternity pads just a lot more comfortable!
When should I seek help?
Likely, you’ll have a postpartum carer or other medical professional checking in on your recovery process. Because everyone’s process is different, they can give you tailored care and advice – which trumps any advice you’ll find online. Still, some red flags require immediate attention by your post-partum carer (or, if they’re absent, your midwife).